You are remarkable.

It's time to tell your story...

Get a free review of your resume today.

Has your career plateaued?
Are you seeking career development and advancement?

You need a strong personal brand to stand out in this competitive job market.

Writing Remarkable Resumes can help articulate your skills, experiences, and achievements effectively, 

We arm job seekers with effective, modern, and relevant personal branding documents,

including resumes, cover letters, bios, and LinkedIn profiles, so they can CONFIDENTLY apply for new roles.

*** We quickly uncover unique stories and showcase achievements that garner immediate attention from recruiters! ***

Customized Resumes & Bios

You have six seconds to make a good impression. That's the length of time most recruiters look at a resume. It's important to make a VERY quick good first impression.

Powerful Cover Letters

Does your cover letter convey how you will make a good fit within the organization? A strong letter highlighting hard skills needs to be complemented by soft skills, as well. 

Personalized LinkedIn Profiles

Recruiters oftentimes search LinkedIn to find out WHY they should hire a candidate. Profiles should contain the right keywords, skills, and strengths but also core values, traits, and unique characteristics.



You are not a number. If a new career is important to you, then it's important to Writing Remarkable Resumes!

We thrive on connecting job candidates to their career calling! That's our calling...

By asking the right questions, we sift through your information to create compelling

personal branding communications that demonstrate why you are a good fit with your desired organization.

60-90 Minute Consultation

The client consultation is critical to a successful project. This is where resume strategies and branding are determined based on career history and goals.

Review of Desired Job Description

In order to tailor personal branding materials, it is important to identify key themes, words, and skills that are listed in the job description so they can be translated in marketing materials.

Keyword-Optimized Content

Resumes have to get past the almighty Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before it will be reviewed by a human. To unlock ATS, the correct industry keywords need to be part of the resume.

Customized & Modern Branding

Resumes that stand out among the rest are formatted correctly, have clean design elements, and are properly branded. When paired with accomplishment-based stories, these resumes land candidates on the short list for interviews.


If you have a resume that needs to be updated or one that has not been landing interviews,

feel free to have Writing Remarkable Resumes review it. We would be happy to let you know if it needs a slight retweeking or if a consultation can help. Sometimes the right keywords aren't listed correctly. Oftentimes, job candidates don't know exactly how to convey all of their accomplishments. Maybe something is getting blocked in ATS. We can help you get moving in the right direction!


"Where do I even begin?! Liz is incredibly kind, generous, and knowledgeable. I have struggled for months trying to apply to job after job. Liz willingly took a look at my resume and gave me incredible feedback and advice. Not only did she give good tips, she dedicated her time to research the companies I worked for to help me write a top-notch resume. Her expertise, quick responses, and excellent writing skills have helped me tremendously. She is a huge asset to anyone looking to advance their career and sharpen their professionalism. The results of my new resume have me extremely eager and hopeful to land my next job!"

— Katie D.

"I wanted to let you know that I have been interviewing, and I received a job offer this afternoon. I will be making a decision in the next day or so. I’ve been told a few times that my resume looks outstanding. My first thought when I hear that is that I’m very thankful to you and how you pulled it all together!"

— Sheila B.

"Liz recently created a professional resume for me after being in the classroom for the past 25+ years. We communicated several times, both over the phone and via email. She was able to take my skeleton resume and make something visually incredible and very easy to read. I was able to use that resume to land an incredible job at the University of Arizona, which was my goal! I am thrilled with the resume Liz created and highly recommend her. She is incredibly detailed orientated and works to be sure she creates the best resume possible. I am forever grateful for her work!"

    —Shawnda G.

"This is flat-out amazing! I'm so impressed."

—Mike W.

"Working with Liz is refreshing and inspiring! When I was researching career options, she provided invaluable insight on market trends and industry standards. Liz is an excellent writer and communicator which was evident in our interactions and by the resume and cover letters she crafted. She is very detailed and thorough in her client evaluations which help candidates to market themselves effectively. As a result, candidates convey the skill set and attributes that employers are looking for, and they are set apart from the competition. I highly recommend Liz!"

—Julie O.

"I worked with Liz when I began considering a job change after many years with the same employer.
Her expertise with resume and cover letter writing is exceptional and helped me land a job as an executive director in the field I was targeting."

—Kristie M.


Simply e-mail if you would like her to review your resume or answer any questions.
We connect job candidates to their career calling!